At last! The latest fruit meat of our labour: plant-based ribs…with edible bones. Yes, these vessels of pleasure may be the most succulent chapter in Marbles’ “meatology” to date. So succulent, we struggled to describe them...Desperate, we turned to our coding queen, Tash, to help us sum up what the very epitome of soul food meant to her. Unfazed, she said, “I can tell you exactly what it means...It is rich, filling. But not, like, in a gross way. It makes you feel warm and cosy. Like it was made by someone who loves you...” Damn, Tash, that's pretty good. And edible bones? Well, they may offend some, but let’s not take things too seriously. Bones invite you to eat with your hands, tear off succulent chunks of meat, and share that indulgence with the whole table. And that’s just fun. Remember fun? Nah, me neither...Bon appetit!